Items where Subject is "M Music and Books on Music > MT Musical instruction and study > Instruction and study > School music > Elementary schools. Junior high schools. High schools"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (2308)
- M Music and Books on Music (1743)
- MT Musical instruction and study (170)
- Instruction and study (121)
- School music (24)
- Elementary schools. Junior high schools. High schools (10)
- School music (24)
- Instruction and study (121)
- MT Musical instruction and study (170)
- M Music and Books on Music (1743)
Devaney, K. (2023) Investigating how composing teaching and assessment in English secondary school classrooms reinforce myths about composers and their creative practices. British Journal of Music Education, 40 (1) pp. 3-19. ISSN 0265-0517 (print) 1469-2104 (online)
Devaney, K. and Nenadic, E. (2019) Music teaching provision in primary schools: key findings 2019. Project Report. Birmingham City University.
Partti, H. and Devaney, K. (2023) Addressing gender inequality in and through music composing studies. Nordic Research in Music Education, 4 pp. 48-66. ISSN 2703-8041 (online)
Stakelum, M. (2010) Assessment practices at primary school: lessons from the past. In: 18th EAS Congress, 26-29 April 2010, Abant Ýzzet Baysal University, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Stakelum, M. (2008) Creating a musical world in the classroom: application of a Bourdieuan approach towards understanding teacher practice. British Journal of Music Education, 25 (1) pp. 91-102. ISSN 0265-0517 (print), 1469-2104 (online)
Stakelum, M. (2007) Music education in UK and Japan: a comparative study on teacher practice in music at primary level. In: 5th International Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, 10-14 April 2007, Exeter, UK. (Unpublished)
Stakelum, M. (2008) Primary music education: the misrepresentation of the ideals of curricula in research. Irish Educational Studies, 27 (3) pp. 281-293. ISSN 0332-3315 (print) 1747-4965 (online)
Stakelum, M. (2005) Some observations on research in music education in the primary school. In: 30th Annual ESAI Conference, 10-12 March 2005, Cork, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Stakelum, M. (2017) The business of music: creativity and innovation in the classroom. In: Creativity and Innovation. European Perspectives on Music Education (7). Helbling, Innsbruck, pp. 105-120. ISBN 9783990357514
Stakelum, M. (2010) A commentary on assessment practices in music education at primary level in England: are there lessons to learn from the past? In: Music and Music Education within the Context of Socio-Cultural Changes. Series of Cultural Books (5). Müsik Eğitimi Publications, Ankara, pp. 443-450. ISBN 9786056155727