Items where Subject is "Musical Instruments"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (2308)
- Musical Instruments (280)
Bailey, N. and South, A. and Pearson, I. E. and Dunlop, R. and Bok, H. and Nimmo, K. (2015) Developing a microtonal clarinet via wind controller and 3D printing. In: ClarinetFest, 22 - 26 July 2015, Madrid. (Unpublished)
Bernabei, M. and Bontadi, J. and Rossi Rognoni, G. (2009) La datation par la dendrochronologie des instruments à cordes de la collection Cherubini, Florence/Dendrochronological dating of the Cherubini stringed instruments collection, Florence. In: Journée d'Etude: Dater l'Instrument de Musique/Study Day: Dating Musical Instruments, 6 June 2009, Paris.
Bernabei, M. and Bontadi, J. and Rossi Rognoni, G. (2010) A dendrochronological investigation of stringed instruments from the collection of the Cherubini Conservatory in Florence, Italy. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37 (1) pp. 192-200. ISSN 0305-4403 (print) 1095-9238 (online)
Bowen, D. K. (2018) Assessing the sound of a woodwind instrument that cannot be played. In: International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology 2018, June 6-8, 2018, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Bowen, D. K. (2022) The bass clarinet in bassoon form: its history, repertoire and acoustics. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Bowen, D. K. and Buys, K. and Dart, M. and Sharp, D. (2018) Assessing the sound of a woodwind instrument that cannot be played. Applied Acoustics, 143 (n/a) pp. 84-99. ISSN 0003-682X
Brooks, J. and Thormählen, W. (2021) Introduction: making music matter in historic houses. In: Sound Heritage: Making Music Matter in Historic Houses. Routledge Research in Music . Routledge. ISBN 9780367237165 (hardback) 9780429281327 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2016) Adieu m'amour: music from the time of Agincourt. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2011) The Barony Hall Organ and its wider context. The Organ, 90 (356) pp. 22-26. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2012) Book review: 'French organ music in the reign of Louis XIV' by David Ponsford. The Organ, 90 (359) pp. 55-56. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2009) Carlo Ignazio Monza: harpsichord music. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2018) Clavichord. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 136-138. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2019) Clavichord initiatives at the Royal College of Music, London. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (74) pp. 41-42. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2010) Concealed within? Liturgical organ music in the Selosse manuscript. The Organ, 89 (353) pp. 15-20. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2018) Curating counterpoint: the lyrical imagination and the performance of Johann Jacob Froberger's legacy. [Video]
Charlston, T. (2019) David Evans 1936–2018: an appreciation. Harpsichord and Fortepiano, 23 (2) pp. 13-18.
Charlston, T. (2003) Early keyboard instruments: the Benton Fletcher collection at Fenton House. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2021) Edmund Hooper (c. 1553–1621): 5 Keyboard Pieces performed on clavichord, Flemish harpsichord and chamber organ by Terence Charlston with ‘Some notes on the clavichord and the virginalists’. [Website]
Charlston, T. (2018) Fingering (1) keyboard instruments. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 227-231. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2020) Froberger: complete Fantasias and Canzonas. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2020) Grove Music Online article: Evans, David. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Charlston, T. (2018) Harpsichord. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 287-292. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2010) La chasse royale: keyboard manuscript of Antoine Selosse. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2003) Matthew Locke: complete keyboard works. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2015) Mersenne’s clavichord: music from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2018) Obituary: David Evans, harpsichord maker who paved the way for a revival in the instrument’s fortunes. Daily Telegraph ISSN 0307-1235 (print) 2059-7487 (online)
Charlston, T. (2022) The Orgelbüchlein as pedal clavichord music. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 27 (1) pp. 11-15. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2019) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E major BWV 878/2. Part I. Clavichord International, 23 (2) pp. 39-48. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2020) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet, and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E Major BWV 878/2. Part II. Clavichord International, 24 (1) pp. 7-14. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2020) Performing Bach's ‘Well-tempered Clavier’: structure, variation, motive and timbre. [Video]
Charlston, T. (2016) Playing from open score 1: Froberger’s Fantasia, FbWV 206. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (66) pp. 3-9. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2017) Playing from open score 2: Kerll’s Ricercata for a barrel organ. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (67) pp. 3-8. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2023) Playing the pedal clavichord. Organists' Review ISSN 0048-2161
Charlston, T. (2022) Re-editing the English virginalists: The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2020. 3 volumes. My Lady Nevells Booke, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Parthenia and Parthenia In-Violata, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Journal of the Royal College of Organists ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2024) Review article: Anthology of Early Keyboard Methods: Revised, enlarged and translated by Barbara Sachs and Barry Ife. Peacock Press, 2023. Harpsichord & Fortepiano ISSN 0953-0797 (print) (In Press)
Charlston, T. (2016) Searching fantasy: Froberger’s fantasias and ricercars four centuries on. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 10 pp. 5-27. ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2018) Spinet. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 581-582. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2018) Temperament. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 603-605. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2018) Virginal. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 674-675. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2008) William Byrd: for my Ladye Nevell. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2014) The harmonious Thuringian: music from the early years of Bach and Handel. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2009) An instrument in search of its repertoire? The Theewes claviorgan and its use in the performance of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century keyboard music. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 3 pp. 24-41. ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2023) A perspective on historical keyboard playing in the UK. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 28 (1) ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2019) The true art of not giving up the clavichord. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (74) pp. 44-45. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2006) A visit to the GOArt project, Göteborg. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (36) pp. 13-16. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Crowell, G. and Charlston, T. (2018) An interview with Terence Charlston. Clavichord International, 22 (2) pp. 38-44. ISSN 1387-0882
Cruder, C. and Falla, D. and Mangili, F. and Azzimonti, L. and Araújo, L. and Williamon, A. and Barbero, M. (2018) Profiling the location and extent of musicians’ pain using digital pain drawings. Pain Practice, 18 (1) pp. 53-66. ISSN 1533-2500
Destounis, K. (2019) The solo piano works of Theodore Antoniou in the context of contemporary Greek piano repertoire: a performer’s approach. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Devaney, K. and Hughes, N. (2023) Bridging the gap: gender equality in music technology. Music Teacher, 102 (4) ISSN 0027-4461 (print) 2632-8658 (online)
Dudgeon, R. T. and Eastop, P. and Herbert, T. and Wallace, J. (1997) Playing, learning and teaching brass. In: The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments. Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 193-206. ISBN 9780521565226 (paperback) 9781139002035 (e-book)
Falletti, F. and Anglani, M. and Rossi Rognoni, G. (2015) Galleria dell'Accademia: guida ufficiale [Accademia Gallery: official guide]. Giunti, Florence. ISBN 9788809818040
Feshareki, S. (2019) A quest to find ‘real': September 2014 – February 2017. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Fioravanti, M. and Di Giulio, G. and Signorini, G. and Rossi Rognoni, G. and Sodini, N. and Tromba, G. and Zanini, F. (2017) Non-invasive wood identification of historical musical bows. IAWA Journal (International Association of Wood Anatomists), 38 (3) pp. 285-296. ISSN 0928-1541 (E-ISSN 2294-1932)
Fioravanti, M. and Martinelli, N. and Pignatelli, O. and Rossi Rognoni, G. (2009) Un exemple d’approche interdisciplinaire dans l’étude des instruments de musique : cas des deux « viola » du Quintetto Mediceo (1690) par Antonio Stradivari/An example of interdisciplinary approach to the study of musical instruments: the case of the two violas of the Quintetto Mediceo (1690) by Antonio Stradivari. In: Journ�e d'Etude: Dater l'Instrument de Musique/Study Day: Dating Musical Instruments, 6 June 2009, Paris.
Guillaume-Castel, F. (2024) 'Noble throughout': the transformations of the pedal harp in Paris and London, between 1749 and 1811. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Hair, G. and Pearson, I. E. and Morrison, A. and Bailey, N. and McGilvray, D. and Parncutt, R. (2007) The Rosegarden codicil: rehearsing music in nineteen-tone equal temperament. Scottish Music Review, 1 pp. 99-126. ISSN 1755-4934 (online)
Herbert, T. (2016) Adolphe Sax, his saxhorns and their international influence. Revue Belge de Musicologie/Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap, 70 pp. 65-76. ISSN 0771-6788
Herbert, T. (1997) Brass bands and other vernacular brass traditions. In: The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments. Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 177-192. ISBN 9780521565226 (paperback) 9781139002035 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2011) Brass instruments. Oxford Bibliographies Online
Herbert, T. (2016) Carl Florian Mandel and the production, consumption and status of "military" brass-wind instruments in the nineteenth century. In: Instrumental Odyssey: A Tribute to Herbert Heyde. Bucina: The Historic Brass Society Series (9). Pendragon Press, New York. ISBN 978-1-57647-252-1
Herbert, T. (2018) Cornett. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 151-152. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2018) Cornetti e tromboni in the high Renaissance and Baroque. Early Music, 46 (2) pp. 343-345. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Herbert, T. (2024) The Cyfarthfa Band in its period of grace. In: Cyfarthfa Castle 1825-2025: A People's History. Merthyr and District Historical Society, Merthyr Tydfil. (In Press)
Herbert, T. (1996) Late Victorian Welsh bands: taste, virtuosity and Cymmrodorion attitudes/Bandiau Cymreig y cyfnod Fictoraidd diweddar: Chwaeth, pencampwriaeth ac agweddau'r Cymmrodorion. Welsh Music History/Hanes cerddoriaeth Cymru, 1 pp. 92-113.
Herbert, T. (2018) Military music. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 409-411. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2023) Military musical instruments and the culture of perfection in the long nineteenth century. In: Shaping Sound and Society: The Cultural Study of Musical Instruments. Routledge Research in Music . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367417550 (hardback) 9780367816070 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2011) Review of 'A history of the trombone' by David M. Guion. American Musical Instrument Society Newsletter, 40 (2) pp. 12-14. ISSN 0160-2365
Herbert, T. (2005) Review of 'Berlioz's orchestration treatise: a translation and commentary' by Hugh MacDonald. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 18 p. 23. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'First philharmonic: a history of the Royal Philharmonic Society' by Cyril Erhlich. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 10 pp. 34-35. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1995) Review of 'French music for low brass: an annotated bibliography' by J. Mark Thompson and Jeffrey Jon Lemke. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 8 p. 86. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1994) Review of 'Hoffnung: his biography' by Annetta Hoffnung. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 7 pp. 43-44. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (2005) Review of 'Musical instruments: history, technology, and performance of instruments of Western music' by Murray Campbell, Clive Greated, and Arnold Myers. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 18 pp. 22-23. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1996) Review of 'Nicholas Lanier: Master of the King's Musick' by Michael I. Wilson. Historic Brass Society Journal, 8 p. 124. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (1995) Review of 'Records of English court music volume VII (1485-1558)' by Andrew Ashbee. The Galpin Society Journal, 48 pp. 220-221. ISSN 0072-0127
Herbert, T. (1993) Review of 'Records of English court music: volumes III, IV and V' by Andrew Ashbee. The Galpin Society Journal, 46 pp. 175-177. ISSN 0072-0127
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'Records of English court music: volumes VIII (1485-1714), and IX (index)' by Andrew Ashbee. The Galpin Society Journal, 50 p. 244. ISSN 0072-0127
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'Talks with bandsmen: a popular handbook for brass instrumentalists' by Algernon S. Rose with a new introduction by Arnold Myers. Historic Brass Society Journal, 9 pp. 199-201. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (1995) Review of 'The Bassanos: Venetian musicians and instrument makers in England, 1531–1665' by David Lasocki and Roger Prior. Historic Brass Society Journal, 7 pp. 207-209. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (2000) Review of 'The early horn: a practical guide' by John Humphries. Consort: The Journal of The Dolmetsch Foundation, 56 pp. 70-71. ISSN 0268-9111 (print)
Herbert, T. (1996) Review of 'The tuba source book' compiled and edited by R. Winston Morris and Edward R. Goldstein. Historic Brass Society Journal, 8 pp. 124-125. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'The wind ensemble and its repertoire: essays on the fortieth anniversary of the Eastman Wind Ensemble' edited by Frank J. Cipolla and Donald Hunsberger. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 10 pp. 35-36. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1997) 'Sackbut': the early trombone. In: The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments. Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 68-83. ISBN 9780521565226 (paper back) 9781139002035 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2004) Selling brass instruments: the commercial imaging of brass instruments (1830-1930) and its cultural messages. Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography,, 29 (1-2) pp. 213-226. ISSN 1522-7464 (print) 2169-9488 (online)
Herbert, T. (2018) Serpent. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 572-573. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2019) Solo and ensemble brass instrument recordings. Early Music, 47 (2) pp. 277-280. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Herbert, T. (2005) Susato's colleagues: the trombonists of the Tudor court. In: Tielman Susato and the Music of his Time: Print Culture, Compositional Technique, and Instrumental Music in the Renaissance. Bucina: The Historic Brass Society Series (5). Pendragon Press, New York, pp. 117-132. ISBN 978-1576471067 (hardback)
Herbert, T. (2018) Trombone. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 630-632. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2010) Trombone glissando: a case study in continuity and change in brass instrument performance idioms. Historic Brass Society Journal, 22 pp. 1-18. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (2000) Trombones and the English court c.1480 – c.1680. In: Posaunen und Trompeten: Geschichte, Akustik, Spieltechnik. Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte . Kloster Michaelstein Musikakademie, Blankenburg, Germany, pp. 51-58. ISBN 978-3895121166
Herbert, T. (2016) Trumpets, drums and the sources for their symbolic authority in Britain. Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography,, 41 (1-2) pp. 65-81. ISSN 1522-7464 (print) 2169-9488 (online)
Herbert, T. (2018) Tuba and ophicleide. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 636-638. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (1998) Victorian brass bands: class, taste, and space. In: The Place of Music. Guilford Press, New York, pp. 104-128. ISBN 9781572303140 (paperback)
Herbert, T. (1992) Victorian brass bands: the establishment of a 'working class musical tradition'. Historic Brass Society Journal, 4 pp. 1-11. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (2007) William Waterhouse 1931–2007. Historic Brass Society Journal, 19 pp. 4-5. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (2002) Wind instruments. In: A Performer's Guide to Music of the Romantic Period. Performer's Guides . Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, pp. 57-69. ISBN 9781860961946
Herbert, T. (2024) The earliest source for the S-shaped trumpet – its provenance, material context and relevance. Historic Brass Society Journal ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online) (In Press)
Herbert, T. (1989) The history of the trombone [review article]. The Galpin Society Journal, 42 pp. 148-150.
Herbert, T. (2011) “…men of great perfection in their science…”: the trumpeter as musician and diplomat in England in the later fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Historic Brass Society Journal, 23 pp. 1-23. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (1997) The origin of the species/L'origine d'un genre/Ursprung einer Gattung. Brass Bulletin: Magazine International de Cuivres, 97 pp. 38-44. ISSN 0303-3848
Herbert, T. (1999) The practice and context of a private Victorian brass band. In: Nineteenth-Century British Music Studies. Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 1 . Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 105-118. ISBN 9780367146221 (hardback) 9780429052774 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (1997) The reconstruction of nineteenth-century band repertory: towards a protocol. In: Perspectives in Brass Scholarship: Proceedings of the International Historic Brass Society Symposium Amherst 1995. Bucina: the Historic Brass Society Series (2). Pendragon Press, New York, pp. 193-222. ISBN 978-0945193975 (hardback)
Herbert, T. (1990) The repertory of a Victorian provincial brass band. Popular Music, 9 (1) pp. 117-132. ISSN 0261-1430 (print) 1474-0095 (online)
Herbert, T. (1993) The sackbut and pre-Reformation English church music. Historic Brass Society Journal, 5 pp. 146-158. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (2006) The trombone. The Yale Musical Instrument Series . Yale University Press, London. ISBN 9780300100952 (hardback) 9780300235753 (paperback)
Herbert, T. and Myers, A. (1990) Catalogue of the European wind and percussion instruments in the Cyfarthfa Castle Museum collection. Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and Art Gallery, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales.
Herbert, T. and Myers, A. (1988) Instruments of the Cyfarthfa band. The Galpin Society Journal, 41 pp. 2-10.
Herbert, T. and Myers, A. (2010) Music for the multitude: accounts of brass bands entering Enderby Jackson's Crystal Palace contests in the 1860s. Early Music, 38 (4) pp. 571-584. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Herbert, T. and Nussbaum, J. (1999) Public defender number one for the serpent: an interview with Douglas Yeo. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 12 pp. 13-17. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. and Sarkissian, M. (1997) Victorian bands and their dissemination in the colonies. Popular Music, 16 (2) pp. 165-179. ISSN 0261-1430 (print) 1474-0095 (online)
Herbert, T. and Wallace, J. (2000) Aspects of performance techniques: the brass band and its influence on other brass-playing. In: The British Brass Band: A Musical and Social History. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198166986
Hickman, P. and Charlston, T. (2016) Interview with Terence Charlston. Harpsichord & Fortepiano Magazine, 21 (1) pp. 8-14.
Hoeprich, T. E. and Lawson, C. (1980) Chalumeau and clarinet. Early Music, 8 (3) pp. 366-368. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Kawabata, M. (2007) Violinists 'singing': Paganini, operatic voices, and virtuosity. Ad Parnassum: A Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music, 5 (9) pp. 7-39. ISSN 1722-3954 (print) 2421-6933 (online)
Kawabata, M. (2007) Virtuosity, the violin, the devil…what really made Paganini “demonic”? Current Musicology, 83 pp. 85-108. ISSN 0011-3735 (print) 2640-883X (online)
Kawabata, M. (2004) Virtuoso codes of violin performance: power, military heroism, and gender (1789-1830). 19th-Century Music, 28 (2) pp. 89-107. ISSN 0148-2076 (print) 1533-8606 (online)
Kawabata, M. (2018) What does Paganini mean to us today? 'Paganini Rockstar' Exhibition Catalogue
Kawabata, M. (2014) The aura of Stradivari's violins. Ad Parnassum: A Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music, 12 (23) pp. 61-74. ISSN 1722-3954 (print) 2421-6933 (online)
Lawson, C. (2008) "Attractively packaged but unripe fruit": the UK's commercialization of musical history in the 1980s. Performance Practice Review, 13 (1) ISSN 1044-1638 (print) 2166-8205 (online)
Lawson, C. (1994) Beethoven and the development of wind instruments. In: Performing Beethoven. Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice (4). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 70-88. ISBN 0521416442 (hardback) 9780521023740 (paperback)
Lawson, C. (2020) Book review: 'In the footsteps of Mozart’s clarinettist: Anton Stadler and his basset clarinet' by Pamela L. Poulin. Music & Letters, 101 (2) pp. 367-369. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Lawson, C. (1993) Book review: 'The Baroque clarinet' by Albert Rice. Music & Letters, 74 (1) pp. 73-75. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Lawson, C. (2008) Book review: 'The Clarinet' by Eric Hoeprich. Performance Practice Review, 13 (1) pp. 1-5. ISSN 1044-1638 (print) 2166-8205 (online)
Lawson, C. (2005) Book review: 'The birth of the orchestra: history of an institution, 1650–1815' by John Spitzer and Neal Zaslaw. Music & Letters, 86 (4) pp. 629-633. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Lawson, C. (2005) Book review: 'The clarinet in the classical period' by Albert R. Rice. Music & Letters, 86 (2) pp. 290-293. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Lawson, C. (2011) The British clarinet school: legacy and legend. In: International Symposium on Performance Science 2011, 24-27 August 2011, Canada.
Lawson, C. (1996) Chalumeau. In: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik. Bärenreiter and Metzler, Kassel. ISBN 3761811101 and 3476410099
Lawson, C. (2001) Chalumeau. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2nd edition). Macmillan, London. ISBN 0333608003
Lawson, C. (1984) Chalumeau. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Macmillan, London. ISBN 0943818052
Lawson, C. (2018) Clarinet. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 130-133. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Lawson, C. (1980) Das Chalumeau-Repertoire: ein kurzer Uberblick [The chalumeau repertoire: a brief overview]. Tibia: Magazin für Freunde alter und neuer Bläsermusik, 5 (1) pp. 18-21.
Lawson, C. (2001) Die C-Klarinette [The clarinet in C]. Rohrblatt, 16 (3) pp. 116-118. ISSN 0944-0291
Lawson, C. (1983) Graupner and the chalumeau. Early Music, 11 (2) pp. 209-216. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Lawson, C. (2013) Historical accuracy versus practical expediency: early instruments in the digital age. Early Music, 41 (1) pp. 27-29. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Lawson, C. (2018) Historically informed performance. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 305-308. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Lawson, C. (1996) Mozart: Clarinet Concerto. Cambridge Music Handbooks . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521473842 (hardback) 9780521479295 (paperback) 9781139166737 (e-book)
Lawson, C. (2012) Musical history: historical music. In: Proceedings of the Clarinet and Woodwind Colloquium 2007: Celebrating the Collection of Sir Nicholas Shackleton. Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments, Edinburgh, pp. 25-30. ISBN ISBN 978 0 907635 59 8
Lawson, C. (2018) Oboe. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 445-448. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
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Lawson, C. (2005) The early clarinet: historical icon or postmodern invention? In: The Versatile Clarinet. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 5-14. ISBN 9780415973175 (hardback) 9781138986701 (paperback) 9780203958728 (e-book)
Lawson, C. (2003) The revival of historical instruments. In: The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra. Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 155-168. ISBN 9780521806589 (hardback) 9780521001328 (paperback) 9781139002066 (e-book)
Lawson, C. (2003) The string quartet as a foundation for larger ensembles. In: The Cambridge Companion to the String Quartet. Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 310-327. ISBN 9780521801942 (hardback) 9780521000420 (paperback) 9780511074790 (e-book)
Lawson, C. (2012) A winning strike: the miracle of Mozart's 'Kegelstatt'. In: Mozart's Chamber Music with Keyboard. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 123-137. ISBN 9781107002487 (hardback) 9781107534285 (paperback) 9781139368582 (e-book)
Lawson, C. and Pearson, I. E. (2012) Così fan tutte und der Charakter von E-Dur: Klangfarben der Klarinette. Acta Mozartiana, 59 (1) pp. 36-44. ISSN 0001-6233
Lawson, C. and Stowell, R. (2005) La interpretación histórica de la música [The historical performance of music]. Alianza música, 97 . Alianza Editorial, Madrid. ISBN 978-84-206-8207-5
Lawson, C. and Stowell, R. (1999) The historical performance of music: an introduction. Cambridge Handbooks to the Historical Performance of Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521621939 (hardback) 9780521627382 (paperback) 9780511481710 (e-book)
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Pearson, I. E. (2006) 18、19世纪美术作品中黑管哨片的位置 [18th- and 19th-century iconographical representations of clarinet reed position]. In: Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography: special Chinese edition. Changjiang Wenyi Chubanshe, Wuhan, pp. 143-154. ISBN 7-5354-3155-0
Pearson, I. E. (2018) Articulation. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 28-33. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781316257678 (e-book)
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Pearson, I. E. (2000) Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century iconographical representations of clarinet reed position. Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography,, 25 pp. 87-95. ISSN 1522-7464 (print) 2169-9488 (online)
Pearson, I. E. (2007) Ferdinando Sebastiani, Gennaro Bosa and the clarinet in nineteenth-century Naples. The Galpin Society Journal, 60 pp. 203-214. ISSN 0072-0127
Pearson, I. E. (2018) Iconography. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 317-319. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781316257678 (e-book)
Pearson, I. E. (2012) In contemplation of the clarinets at the Royal College of Music, London. In: Proceedings of the Clarinet and Woodwind Colloquium 2007: Celebrating the Collection of Sir Nicholas Shackleton. Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments, Edinburgh, pp. 141-150. ISBN 978 0 907635 59 8
Pearson, I. E. (1999) 'Interest, individuality and an endless pleasantness': the chalumeau in 18th-century Vienna. The Clarinet, 26 (3) pp. 56-59. ISSN 0361-5553
Pearson, I. E. (2002) Lefévre's sonatas for clarinet: a historical perspective. Clarinet & Saxophone, 27 (2) pp. 20-22. ISSN 0260-390X
Pearson, I. E. (2000) Playing historical clarinets. In: The Early Clarinet: A Practical Guide. Cambridge Handbooks to the Historical Performance of Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 41-62. ISBN 9780521624596 (hardback) 9780521624664 (paperback) e-book (9780511059780)
Pearson, I. E. (2009) Review of 'The Clarinet' by Eric Hoeprich. The Galpin Society Journal, 62 pp. 292-293. ISSN 0072-0127
Pearson, I. E. (2001) Thea King and Pamela Weston: a tribute, part I. The Clarinet, 28 (3) pp. 48-52. ISSN 0361-5553
Pearson, I. E. (2001) Thea King and Pamela Weston: a tribute, part II. The Clarinet, 28 (4) pp. 66-69. ISSN 0361-5553
Pearson, I. E. (1999) 'Verfolgt vom Klang der Klarinette seines Vaters': Über Blatt-Position, Ferruccio Busoni und die Klarinette im Italien des 19. Jahrhunderts ['Pursued by the sound of his father's clarinet': on reed position, Ferruccio Busoni, and the clarinet in 19th-century Italy]. Tibia: Magazin für Holzbläser, 24 (4) pp. 605-611. ISSN 0176-6511
Pearson, I. E. (2018) Übersichblasen-Untersichblasen [reed above/below]. In: Lexikon der Holzblasinstrumente: Oboe, Klarinette, Saxophon und Fagott – Baugeschichte und Spielpraxis – Komponisten und ihre Werke – Interpreten. Laaber, Laaber, Germany, pp. 747-748. ISBN 978-3-89007-866-3
Pearson, I. E. (2021) The clarinet in opera before 1830: instrument and genre come of age. In: The Clarinet. Eastman Studies in Music . University of Rochester Press, pp. 93-119. ISBN 9781648250170 (hardback) 9781800103498 (e-book) 9781800103504 (e-book) ISSN 1071-9989, v. 179
Pearson, I. E. (1999) The reed-above embouchure: fact or fallacy? Australian Clarinet and Saxophone, 2 (2) pp. 8-13.
Pearson, I. E. (2007) The voice of heroic love: historical clarinets at the Royal College of Music, London. In: The Clarinet and Woodwind Colloquium 2007, 22-24 June 2007, Edinburgh University. (Unpublished)
Pearson, I. E. and Rice, A. R. (2024) Instructions for the clarinet: an illumination of musical taste in Georgian London. Ad Parnassum: A Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music, 22 (43) ISSN 1722-3954 (print) 2421-6933 (online)
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Rees, C. (2014) Collaboration in practice: developing a repertoire of extended techniques for the Kingma System alto and bass flute. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Rice, A. R. and Lawson, C. (1986) The clarinet and chalumeau revisited. Early Music, 14 (4) pp. 552-556. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2004) Alcune fonti sulla produzione liutaria in Toscana nel XIX secolo [Some sources relating to violin making in Tuscany in the 19th century]. In: Liuteria in Toscana. I liutai del Novecento. Cremonabooks, Cremona, pp. 33-45. ISBN 9788883590559
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2011) Alle origini dell’organologia storica italiana: il dibattito nei periodici tra Otto e Novecento [On the origins of historic organology in Italy: the debate in periodicals between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries]. In: La critica musicale in Italia nella prima metà del Novecento. Musica in Atto (7). Marsilio Editori, Venice, pp. 141-166. ISBN 9788831712545
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2018) Barrel Organ; Hurdy-Gurdy. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2002) Bartolomeo Cristofori: la spinette ovali del 1690/Bartolomeo Cristofori's 1690 oval spinet. In: Bartolomeo Cristofori: la spinetta ovale del 1690 - studi e ricerche/The 1690 oval spinet - study and research. Sillabe, Livorno, pp. 10-31. ISBN 9788883471438
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2011) Book review: 'Stradivari' by Stewart Pollens. Journal of the Americal Musical Instrument Society, 37 pp. 171-175. ISSN 0362-3300
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2021) Carl Engel (1818–1882): ‘the highest authority in Europe upon the development of musical instruments’. In: European, British, and American Musical Instrument Collectors, 1850–1940. The Histories of Material Culture and Collecting, 1700-1950 . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781032105093 (hardback) (In Press)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (1997) Catalogue entries pp. 420-432 and pp. 528-529. In: Musei e Gallerie di Milano: Museo degli Strumenti Musicali. Electa, Milan. ISBN 978-8843546817
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2006) Catalogue entry. In: Il DNA degli Amati: una dinastia di liutai a Cremona/The Amati's DNA: a dynasty of stringed instrument makers in Cremona. Consorzio Liutai Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, p. 161. ISBN 9788889839102
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2005) Catalogue entry. In: Maria de' Medici: una principessa fiorentina sul trono di Francia [Maria de' Medici: a Florentine princess on the throne of France]. Sillabe, Florence, pp. 200-201. ISBN 978888347729-4
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2000) Catalogue entry. In: Dipingere la musica: strumenti in posa nell'arte del Cinque e Seicento [Painting music: musical instruments in the art of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries]. Skira, Milan, p. 261. ISBN 9788881188536
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2000) Catalogue entry. In: Lo 'spettacolo maraviglioso': Il Teatro della Pergola, l'opera a Firenze. Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici, Florence, pp. 156-158. ISBN 978-88-8304-240-9
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2018) Classification of instruments. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 133-136. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2006) Conservazione e ri-uso: il controllo dello stato di salute del ‘Cannone’/Conservation and re-use: checking on the state of the ‘Cannone’s’ health. In: International Conference on Violin Making: Restoration and Conservation of the violin Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ (1743) known as ‘Cannone’, 14 October 2004, Genova.
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2018) Copies of instruments. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 149-150. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2018) Engel, Carl; Galpin, Francis William; Mahillon, Victor-Charles; Sachs, Curt; Hipkins, Alfred James; Tolbecque, Auguste; Trichet, Pierre. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2001) Gli strumenti granducali: storia di una collezione/The grand-ducal instruments: the history of a collection. In: La musica alla corte dei granduchi: guida alla mostra/Music at the grand-ducal court: guide to the exhibition. Giunti, Florence, pp. 19-25. ISBN 9788809021853
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2000) Gli strumenti musicali [Musical instruments]. In: Per un regale evento: spettacoli nuziali e opera in musica alla corte dei Medici [For a royal event: wedding shows and opera in music at the Medici court]. Centro Di/Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence, pp. 193-201. ISBN 9788883660993
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2021) I brevetti italiani a pianoforti nella seconda metà del XIX secolo [Italian patents to pianos in the 19th century]. In: Il Pianoforte in Italia. LIM, Lucca. ISBN 9788855431071
Rossi Rognoni, G. (1999) Il Conservatorio e gli strumenti innovati di Rampone e Orsi [The Conservatorio and the innovative instruments of Rampone and Orsi]. In: Milano musicale: 1861-1897. Libreria Musicale Italiana, Lucca, pp. 373-391. ISBN 9788870962390
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2013) Il Gran Principe Ferdinando e la musica. In: Il Gran Principe Ferdinando de’ Medici (1663-1713), catalogue of the exhibition June-November 2013. Giunti, Florence, pp. 115-125.
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2004) Il Museo degli Strumenti Musicali della Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze [The Museo degli Strumenti Musicali of the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence]. Hortus Musicus, 5 (18) pp. 124-127.
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2009) Il sistema di catalogazione e documentazione degli strumenti musicali del Dipartimento degli Strumenti Musicali della Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze con alcune considerazioni sull’elaborazione di una scheda di censimento nazionale [The cataloguing and documentation system of the Musical Instruments Department of the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence; including comments on datasheet format development for the national census]. Philomusica on-line, 8 (3) pp. 97-117. ISSN 1826-9001 (online)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2018) Instrument collections (historical). In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 328-329. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2007) Italian musical instruments in Europe: the dynamics of an exodus. In: Marvels of Sound and Beauty: Italian Baroque Musical Instruments. Giunti, Florence, pp. 49-60. ISBN 978-88-09-05395-3
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2008) La definizione dell'organologia come disciplina attraverso i primi cataloghi museali (1866-1911) [The development of organology as a discipline through early museum catalogues]. Annali: Arte, musica e spettacolo, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 9 pp. 155-171.
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2012) La lira nel Rinascimento: una riscoperta? [The lyre in the Renaissance: a rediscovery?]. In: Il dolce potere delle corde: Orfeo, Apollo, Arione e Davide nella grafica tra Quattro e Cinquecento. Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi: Inventario generale delle stampe (98). Leo S. Olschki, Florence, pp. 25-33. ISBN 9788822261830
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2001) La musica alla corte granducale/Music at the grand-ducal court. In: La musica alla corte dei granduchi: guida alla mostra/Music at the grand-ducal court: guide to the exhibition. Giunti, Florence, pp. 33-103. ISBN 9788809021853
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2002) La spinetta ovale di Bartolomeo Cristofori del 1690: un progetto di ricerca su uno strumento recentemente riscoperto [Bartolomeo Cristofori's oval spinet from 1690: a research project on a recently rediscovered instrument]. Hortus Musicus pp. 10-12.
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2008) La spinetta ovale di Bartolomeo Cristofori del 1690: un progetto di ricerca su uno strumento recentemente riscoperto/The 1690 spinetta ovale by Bartolomeo Cristofori: a research project on a recently rediscovered instrument. In: Restauro e conservazione degli strumenti musicali antichi: la spinetta ovale di Bartolomeo Cristofori [Restoration and conservation of early musical instruments: the spinetta ovale by Bartolomeo Cristofori]. Nardini, Florence, pp. 101-112.
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2003) Le botteghe fiorentine di strumenti musicali [Florentine musical instrument workshops]. In: Arti fiorentine: La grande storia dell'Artigianato. Giunti, Florence, pp. 132-149. ISBN 9788809029231
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2009) Liutai, chitarrai e violinai nella Firenze del Cinque-Seicento [Luthiers, guitar makers, and violin makers in sixteenth- to seventeenth-century Florence]. Per archi : Rivista di storia e cultura degli strumenti ad arco, 3/4 pp. 33-46. ISSN 1825-9421 (print) 2421-096X (online)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2010) [Multiple contributions]. In: Stradivari Varnish: Scientific Analysis of his Finishing Technique on Selected Instruments. Serving Audio. ISBN 9783000285370
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2019) Organology and the others: a political perspective. Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, 44 pp. 7-17. ISSN 0362-3300
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2000) Per la lettura della schede [Toward a reading of files]. In: La collezione granducale del Conservatorio Cherubini. La musica e i suoi strumenti (1). Giunti, Florence. ISBN 9788809021846
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2010) Per uno studio degli strumenti a corde nella Toscana del XVIII secolo [Towards a study of string instruments in Tuscany in the 18th century]. Per archi : Rivista di storia e cultura degli strumenti ad arco, 5 pp. 63-85. ISSN 1825-9421 (print) 2421-096X (online)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2015) Perspectives from a changing culture: one hundred years of debate on the role of musical instruments. In: Effects of Playing on Early and Modern Musical Instruments. International Conference., 9-10 September 2015, Royal College of Music. (Unpublished)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2019) Preserving functionality: keeping artefacts ‘alive’ in museums. Curator: The Museum Journal, 62 (3) pp. 403-413. ISSN print (0011-3069) online (2151-6952)
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2006) Produzione, commercio e diffusione di strumenti musicali a Firenze intorno al 1770 [Production, trade and diffusion of musical instruments in Florence around 1770]. In: Mozart a Firenze: qui si deve vivere o morire (catalogue of the exhibition, Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, 22 September – 21 October 2006). Vallecchi, Florence, pp. 46-50.
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2007) Strumenti italiani in Europa: le dinamiche di una diaspora [Italian musical instruments in Europe: The dynamics of an exodus]. In: Meraviglie sonore: strumenti musicali del barocco italiano. Giunti, Florence, pp. 49-60. ISBN 978-8809053946
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2011) Strumenti musicali e Angeli musicanti nel Tabernacolo dei Linaioli: una proposta di interpretazione [Musical instruments and musician angels in the Tabernacle of the Linaioli: a proposal for interpretation]. In: Il Tabernacolo dei Linaioli del Beato Angelico restaurato. Edifir, Florence, pp. 39-44. ISBN 978-88-7970-503-5
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2011) A bit of a stony sound: the marble harpsichord signed Michele Antonio Grandi of the Galleria Estense in Modena. In: Cembalo, Clavecin, Harpsichord: Regionale Traditionen des Cembalobaus: Symposium im Rahmen der 35. Tage Alter Musik in Herne 2010 (conference proceedings). Musikverlag Katzbichler, Salzburg, pp. 95-109. ISBN 978 3 87397 589 7
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2017) The descent of organology: cultural and methodological influences in the definition of organology in the 19th century. In: Vom Sammeln, Klassifizieren und Interpretieren: Die zerstörte Vielfalt des Curt Sachs. Sound and Idea . Schott Music, Mainz, pp. 199-208. ISBN 978-3-7957-1284-6
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2007) The origins of the Tuscan school of "liutai" in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In: Musikinstrumentenbau-Zentren im 16. Jahrhundert [Musical instrument making centers in the 16th century]. Musikalische Aufführungspraxis in nationalen Dialogen (2). Kloster Michaelstein, Germany, pp. 105-113. ISBN 978-3-89512-133-3
Rossi Rognoni, G. (2015) The virginals of Benedetto Floriani (Venice, fl.1568–1572) and a proposal for a new attribution. Galpin Society Journal, 68 pp. 5-20. ISSN 0072-0127 (print) 2397-5369 (online)
Rossi Rognoni, G. and Martin, R. (2018) MINIM-UK. [Video]
Rossi Rognoni, G. and Rocchetti, G. (1998) Gli strumenti musicali premiati dall'Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere e Arti nel XIX secolo [Musical instruments awarded by the Lombard Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts in the 19th century]. In: Liuteria musica e cultura. Associazione Liutaria Italiana, Cremona, pp. 5-21. ISBN 9788870962116
Schneider, M. and Solomon, A. (2019) Michael Schneider im Gespräch mit Ashley Solomon [Michael Schneider in conversation with Ashley Solomon]. Tibia: Magazin für Holzbläser (4) pp. 579-583. ISSN 0176-6511
Smith, R. L. (2018) Casadesus, Henri. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 114-115. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Smith, R. L. (2018) Paris Conservatoire (Conservatoire de Paris). In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 470-472. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Solomon, A. (2018) Flute. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 240-245. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Solomon, A. (2018) Hotteterre family. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 313-314. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Solomon, A. (2018) Recorder. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 526-528. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Solomon, A. (2023) The Spohr Collection vol. 2. [Audio]
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