By Item Type

Adlington, R. (1995) Arnold Whittall: a bibliography. Music Analysis, 14 (2/3) pp. 141-160. ISSN 0262-5245 (print) 1468-2249 (online)
Adlington, R. (2008) Book review: 'Music of the twentieth century: a study of its elements and structure' by Ton de Leeuw. Music & Letters, 89 (3) pp. 460-462. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Adlington, R. (2002) Book review: 'Revealing masks: exotic influences and ritualized performance in modernist music theater' by W. Anthony Sheppard. Music & Letters, 83 (2) pp. 319-321. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Adlington, R. (1997) Book review: 'Shaping time: music, the brain, and performance' by David Epstein. Music Analysis, 16 (1) pp. 155-171. ISSN 0262-5245 (print) 1468-2249 (online)
Adlington, R. (2001) Book review: Singing Archaeology: Philip Glass's 'Akhnaten' by J Richardson; Four Musical Minimalists: La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass by K Potter; Jonathan Harvey by A Whittall. Music & Letters, 82 (3) pp. 487-491. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Adlington, R. (2001) Counting time, countering time: Louis Andriessen’s De Tijd. Indiana Theory Review, 22 (1) pp. 1-35. ISSN 0271-8022 (print) 2474-7777 (online)
Adlington, R. (1996) Harrison Birtwistle's recent music. Tempo (196) pp. 2-8. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
Adlington, R. (2005) Louis Andriessen, Hanns Eisler, and the Lehrstück. Journal of Musicology, 21 (3) pp. 381-417. ISSN 0277-9269 (print) 1533-8347 (online)
Adlington, R. (2003) Moving beyond motion: metaphors for changing sound. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 128 (2) pp. 297-318. ISSN 0269-0403 (print) 1471-6933 (online)
Adlington, R. (2019) Music together, music apart: on democratic communities. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 144 (1) pp. 191-204. ISSN 0269-0403 (print), 1471-6933 (online)
Adlington, R. (2007) Organizing labor: composers, performers, and “the renewal of musical practice” in the Netherlands, 1969–72. The Musical Quarterly, 90 (3-4) pp. 539-577. ISSN 0027-4631 (print) 1741-8399 (online)
Adlington, R. (2018) Politics and the popular in British music theatre of the Vietnam era. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 143 (2) pp. 433-471. ISSN 0269-0403 (print), 1471-6933 (online)
Adlington, R. (1994) Review: Brian Ferneyhough: Carceri d'Invenzione III, Terrain. The Musical Times, 135 (1817) pp. 450-451. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Adlington, R. (2009) Tuning in and dropping out: the disturbance of the Dutch premiere of Stockhausen's Stimmung. Music & Letters, 90 (1) pp. 94-112. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Adlington, R. (2016) Whose voices? The fate of Luigi Nono’s Voci destroying muros. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 69 (1) pp. 179-236. ISSN 0003-0139 (print) 1547-3848 (online)
Adlington, R. (1999) The music of Rebecca Saunders: into the sensuous world. The Musical Times, 140 (1868) pp. 48-56. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Adlington, R. (2007) ‘A sort of guerrilla’: Che at the opera. Cambridge Opera Journal, 19 (2) pp. 167-193. ISSN 0954-5867 (print) 1474-0621 (online)
Adlington, R. and Fuller, S. (2005) Editorial. Twentieth-Century Music, 2 (1) pp. 3-5. ISSN 1478-5722 (print) 1478-5730 (online)
Adlington, R. and Johnson, J. (2014) Editorial: twentieth-century music – ten years on. Twentieth-Century Music, 11 (1) pp. 3-5. ISSN 1478-5722 (print) 1478-5730 (online)
Alessandri, E. and Eiholzer, H. and Williamon, A. (2014) Reviewing critical practice: an analysis of Gramophone's reviews of Beethoven's piano sonatas, 1923-2010. Musicae Scientiae, 18 (2) pp. 131-149. ISSN 1029-8649 (print) 2045-4147 (online)
Alessandri, E. and Williamson, V. J. and Eiholzer, H. and Williamon, A. (2015) Beethoven recordings reviewed: a systematic method for mapping the content of music performance criticism. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (57). ISSN 1664-1078
Alessandri, E. and Williamson, V. J. and Eiholzer, H. and Williamon, A. (2016) A critical ear: analysis of value judgments in reviews of Beethoven’s piano sonata recordings. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (391). ISSN 1664-1078
Antonini Philippe, R. and Kosirnik, C. and Vuichoud, N. and Clark, T. and Williamon, A. and McPherson, G. E. (2020) Conservatory musicians’ temporal organization and self-regulation processes in preparing for a music exam. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (89). ISSN 1664-1078
Antonini Philippe, R. and Kosirnik, C. and Vuichoud, N. and Williamon, A. and Crettaz von Roten, F. (2019) Understanding wellbeing among college music students and amateur musicians in Western Switzerland. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (820). ISSN 1664-1078
Araújo, L. and Cruz, J. and Almeida, L. (2016) Achieving scientific excellence: an exploratory study of the role of emotional and motivational factors. High Ability Studies, 27 pp. 1-19. ISSN 1359-8139 (Print) 1469-834X (Online)
Araújo, L. and Wasley, D. and Perkins, R. and Atkins, L. and Redding, E. and Ginsborg, J. and Williamon, A. (2017) Fit to perform: an investigation of higher education music students’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors toward health. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (1558). ISSN 1664-1078
Araújo, L. and Wasley, D. and Redding, E. and Atkins, L. and Perkins, R. and Ginsborg, J. and Williamon, A. (2020) Fit to perform: a profile of higher education music students’ physical fitness. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (298). ISSN 1664-1078
Asaba, Y. (2019) ‘Folds of the heart’: performing life-experience, emotion, and empathy in Japanese tango music culture. Ethnomusicology Forum, 28 (1) pp. 45-65. ISSN 1741-1912 (print) 1741-1920 (online)
Asaba, Y. (2017) Review of 'Tracing Tangueros: Argentine Tango Instrumental Music' by K Link, & K Wendland. Music & Letters, 98 (3) pp. 498-500. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Asaba, Y. (2018) The arrival of tango in Japan: allure, fear, and morality in early twentieth century Japan. The Japan Society Proceedings, 155 pp. 106-123. ISSN 0952-2050
Asaba, Y. (2020) The reception of tango and the creation of its authenticity in twentieth century Japan: a study from the perspective of “Internalized Modernity”. Popular Music Studies, 24 pp. 3-15. ISSN 1343-9251 (print) 1883-5945 (online)
Ascenso, S. and Perkins, R. and Atkins, L. and Fancourt, D. and Williamon, A. (2018) Promoting well-being through group drumming with mental health service users and their carers. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 13 (1) pp. 1-15. ISSN 1748-2631
Ascenso, S. and Perkins, R. and Williamon, A. (2018) Resounding meaning: a PERMA wellbeing profile of classical musicians. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (1895). ISSN 1664-1078
Ascenso, S. and Williamon, A. and Perkins, R. (2017) Understanding the wellbeing of professional musicians through the lens of positive psychology. Psychology of Music, 45 (1) pp. 65-81. ISSN 0305-7356 (print) 1741-3087 (online)
Ashkenazi, C. and Waddell, G. and Williamon, A. (2025) Antagonistic muscular co-contraction's benefits for skilled, healthy piano technique: a scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology ISSN 1664-1078 (In Press)
Aufegger, L. and Perkins, R. and Wasley, D. and Williamon, A. (2017) Musicians’ perceptions and experiences of using simulation training to develop performance skills. Psychology of Music, 45 (3) pp. 417-431. ISSN 0305-7356 (print) 1741-3087 (online)
Barlow, H. and Herbert, T. (2021) Introduction: listeners in music history: studying the evidence. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 17 (3) pp. 343-357. ISSN 1479-4098 (print), 2044-8414 (online)
Barry, A. M. (2019) An opera singer’s Gothic fiction: the autobiographies of Sims Reeves. Journal of Musicological Research ISSN 0141-1896 (print) 1547-7304 (online)
Belina, A. (2018) Settling the score: celebrating the women erased from the musical canon. The Guardian Classical Music Blog
Bernabei, M. and Bontadi, J. and Rossi Rognoni, G. (2010) A dendrochronological investigation of stringed instruments from the collection of the Cherubini Conservatory in Florence, Italy. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37 (1) pp. 192-200. ISSN 0305-4403 (print) 1095-9238 (online)
Biasutti, M. and Concina, E. and Wasley, D. and Williamon, A. (2016) Music regulators in two string quartets: a comparison of communicative behaviors between low- and high-stress performance conditions. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (1229). ISSN 1664-1078
Bind, R. H. and Estevao, C. and Fancourt, D. and Hazelgrove, K. and Sawyer, K. and Rebecchini, L. and Miller, C. and Dazzan, P. and Sevdalis, N. and Woods, A. and Crane, N. and Manoharan, M. and Burton, A. and Dye, H. and Osborn, T. and Greenwood, L. and Bakolis, I. and Baldellou Lopez, M. and Davis, R. and Perkins, R. and Pariante, C. (2022) Online singing interventions for postnatal depression in times of social isolation: a feasibility study protocol for the SHAPER-PNDO single-arm trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8 (148) ISSN 2055-5784
Bind, R. H. and Sawyer, K. and Hazelgrove, K. and Rebecchini, L. and Miller, C. and Ahmed, S. and Dazzan, P. and Sevdalis, N. and Bakolis, I. and Davis, R. and Baldellou Lopez, M. and Woods, A. and Crane, N. and Manoharan, M. and Burton, A. and Dye, H. and Osborn, T. and Greenwood, L. and Perkins, R. and Fancourt, D. and Pariante, C. M. and Estevao, C. (2023) Feasibility, clinical efficacy, and well-being outcomes of an online singing intervention for postnatal depression in the UK: SHAPER-PNDO, a single-arm clinical trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9 (131) ISSN 2055-5784
Bowen, D. K. and Buys, K. and Dart, M. and Sharp, D. (2018) Assessing the sound of a woodwind instrument that cannot be played. Applied Acoustics, 143 (n/a) pp. 84-99. ISSN 0003-682X
Burrai, F. and Hasan, W. and Fancourt, D. and Luppi, M. and Di Somma, S. (2016) A randomized controlled trial of listening to recorded music for heart failure patients: study protocol. Holistic Nursing Practice, 30 pp. 102-115. ISSN 0887-9311 (print) 1550-5138 (online)
Burt, R. and Mills, J. (2006) Taking the plunge: the hopes and fears of students as they begin music college. British Journal of Music Education, 23 (1) pp. 51-73. ISSN 0265-0517 (print) 1469-2104 (online)
Burt, R. and Oakes, L. and Mills, J. (2006) Working in music: the trombonist. Research Perspectives in Music Education, 10 (1) pp. 27-43. ISSN 1947-7457
Burt-Perkins, R. and Mills, J. (2009) Pitching it right? Selection and learning at a music conservatoire. British Educational Research Journal, 35 (6) pp. 817-835. ISSN 1469-3518 (online)
Burt-Perkins, R. and Mills, J. (2008) The role of chamber music in learning to perform: a case study. Music Performance Research, 2 pp. 26-35. ISSN 1755-9219 (online)
Camlin, D. A. (2015) ‘This is my truth, now tell me yours’: emphasizing dialogue within participatory music. International Journal of Community Music, 8 (3) pp. 233-257. ISSN 1752-6299 (print) 1752-6302 (online)
Camlin, D. A. (2024) What does it mean to sing with the Earth? Music Education Research, 26 (3) pp. 209-222. ISSN 1461-3808 (print) 1469-9893 (online)
Camlin, D. A. (2014) Whose quality is it anyway? Inhabiting the creative tension between presentational and participatory music. Journal of Arts & Communities, 6 (2-3) pp. 99-118. ISSN 1757-1936 (print) 1757-1944 (online)
Camlin, D. A. and Caulfield, L. and Perkins, R. (2020) Capturing the magic: a three-way dialogue on the impact of music on people and society. International Journal of Community Music, 13 (2) pp. 157-172. ISSN 1752-6299 (print) 1752-6302 (online)
Camlin, D. A. and Daffern, H. and Zeserson, K. (2020) Group singing as a resource for the development of a healthy public: a study of adult group singing. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 7 (60) ISSN 2662-9992 (online)
Camlin, D. A. and Lisboa, T. (2021) The digital ‘turn’ in music education (editorial). Music Education Research, 23 (2) pp. 129-138. ISSN 1461-3808 (print) 1469-9893 (online)
Cartwright, P. A. and Küssner, M. B. and Williamon, A. (2021) Key performance dimensions of the 'well-tempered musician’: a framework for artist management. International Journal of Arts Management, 23 (2) pp. 18-29. ISSN 1480-8986 (print)
Chaffin, R. and Lisboa, T. (2009) Practicing perfection: how concert soloists prepare for performance. ICTUS Music Journal, 9 (2) pp. 115-142.
Chaffin, R. and Lisboa, T. and Logan, T. and Begosh, K. T. (2010) Preparing for memorized cello performance: the role of performance cues. Psychology of Music, 38 (1) pp. 3-30. ISSN 0305-7356 (print) 1741-3087 (online)
Chanwimalueang, T. and Aufegger, L. and Adjei, T. and Wasley, D. and Cruder, C. and Mandic, D. P. and Williamon, A. (2017) Stage call: cardiovascular reactivity to audition stress in musicians. PLOS ONE, 12 (4) pp. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203
Charlston, T. (2011) The Barony Hall Organ and its wider context. The Organ, 90 (356) pp. 22-26. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2012) Book review: 'French organ music in the reign of Louis XIV' by David Ponsford. The Organ, 90 (359) pp. 55-56. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2019) Clavichord initiatives at the Royal College of Music, London. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (74) pp. 41-42. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2010) Concealed within? Liturgical organ music in the Selosse manuscript. The Organ, 89 (353) pp. 15-20. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2019) David Evans 1936–2018: an appreciation. Harpsichord and Fortepiano, 23 (2) pp. 13-18.
Charlston, T. (2010) Edition review: Bach: Vier Zeugnisse für Präfekten des Thomanerchores (1743–1749): Faksimile und Transkription, ed. Andreas Glöckner. The Organ, 89 (351) p. 61. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2022) Ernst Wilhelm Wolf, ed. Ryan Layne Whitney, collected solo keyboard sonatas, 3 vols (2021), Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 27 (1) pp. 31-32. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2012) 'Now swift, now hesitating': the stylus phantasticus and the art of fantasy. Musica Antiqua, 1 (2) pp. 30-35. ISSN 2049-1514
Charlston, T. (2018) Obituary: David Evans, harpsichord maker who paved the way for a revival in the instrument’s fortunes. Daily Telegraph ISSN 0307-1235 (print) 2059-7487 (online)
Charlston, T. (2022) The Orgelbüchlein as pedal clavichord music. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 27 (1) pp. 11-15. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2019) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E major BWV 878/2. Part I. Clavichord International, 23 (2) pp. 39-48. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2020) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet, and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E Major BWV 878/2. Part II. Clavichord International, 24 (1) pp. 7-14. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2016) Playing from open score 1: Froberger’s Fantasia, FbWV 206. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (66) pp. 3-9. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2017) Playing from open score 2: Kerll’s Ricercata for a barrel organ. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (67) pp. 3-8. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2023) Playing the pedal clavichord. Organists' Review ISSN 0048-2161
Charlston, T. (2022) Re-editing the English virginalists: The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2020. 3 volumes. My Lady Nevells Booke, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Parthenia and Parthenia In-Violata, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Journal of the Royal College of Organists ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2024) Review article: Anthology of Early Keyboard Methods: Revised, enlarged and translated by Barbara Sachs and Barry Ife. Peacock Press, 2023. Harpsichord & Fortepiano ISSN 0953-0797 (print) (In Press)
Charlston, T. (2016) Searching fantasy: Froberger’s fantasias and ricercars four centuries on. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 10 pp. 5-27. ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2016) A four-stave transcription of Froberger’s Ricercar, FbWV 412: why play contrapuntal music from open score notation? Clavichord International, 20 (2) p. 57. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2009) An instrument in search of its repertoire? The Theewes claviorgan and its use in the performance of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century keyboard music. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 3 pp. 24-41. ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2006) An introduction to Restoration keyboard music I: Matthew Locke. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 10 (2) pp. 26-36. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2006) An introduction to Restoration keyboard music II: Bryne, Roberts and Moss. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 11 (1) pp. 14-27. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2023) A perspective on historical keyboard playing in the UK. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 28 (1) ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2019) The true art of not giving up the clavichord. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (74) pp. 44-45. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2006) A visit to the GOArt project, Göteborg. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (36) pp. 13-16. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Chomiak, T. and Pereira, F. V. and Clark, T. and Cihal, A. and Hu, B. (2015) Concurrent arm swing-stepping (CASS) can reveal gait start hesitation in Parkinson’s patients with low self-efficacy and fear of falling. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 27 pp. 457-463. ISSN 1594-0667 (print) 1720-8319 (online)
Clark, T. (2010) Review of The Biology of Musical Performance and Performance-related Injury (Scarecrow Press, 2009). British Journal of Music Education, 27 (3) pp. 326-329. ISSN 0265-0517 (print) 1469-2104 (online)
Clark, T. and Gupta, A. and Ho, C. H. (2014) Developing a dancer wellness program employing developmental evaluation. Frontiers in Psychology, 5 (731). ISSN 1664-1078
Clark, T. and Lisboa, T. (2013) Training for sustained performance: moving toward long-term musician development. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 28 pp. 159-168. ISSN 0885-1158
Clark, T. and Lisboa, T. and Williamon, A. (2014) An investigation into musicians' thoughts and perceptions during performance. Research Studies in Music Education, 36 (1) pp. 19-37. ISSN 1321-103X (print) 1834-5530 (online)
Clark, T. and Redding, E. (2012) The relationship between postural stability and dancers' past and future lower-limb injuries. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 27 (4) pp. 197-204. ISSN 0885-1158 (print) 1938-2766 (online)
Clark, T. and Williamon, A. (2011) Evaluation of a mental skills training program for musicians. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23 pp. 342-359. ISSN 1041-3200 (print) 1533-1571 (online)
Clark, T. and Williamon, A. (2012) Imagining the music: methods for assessing musical imagery ability. Psychology of Music, 40 pp. 471-493. ISSN 0305-7356 (print) 1741-3087 (online)
Clark, T. and Williamon, A. and Redding, E. (2013) The value of health screening in music conservatoires. Clinical Rheumatology, 32 pp. 497-500. ISSN 0770-3198 (print) 1434-9949 (online)
Corcoran, C. and Spiro, N. (2021) Score-dependency: over-reliance on performing music from notation reduces aural pitch replication skills. Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies, 10 pp. 73-98.
Cross, I. and Satinder, G. and Knight, S. and Nash, C. and Rabinowitch, T. C. and Slobodian, L. and Spiro, N. and Woodruff, G. and Woolhouse, M. (2008) Commentary on ‘The perception and cognition of time in Balinese music’ by Andrew Clay McGraw. Empirical Musicology Review, 3 (2) pp. 55-58. ISSN 1559-5749
Crowell, G. and Charlston, T. (2018) An interview with Terence Charlston. Clavichord International, 22 (2) pp. 38-44. ISSN 1387-0882
Cruder, C. and Falla, D. and Mangili, F. and Azzimonti, L. and Araújo, L. and Williamon, A. and Barbero, M. (2018) Profiling the location and extent of musicians’ pain using digital pain drawings. Pain Practice, 18 (1) pp. 53-66. ISSN 1533-2500
Daffern, H. and Camlin, D. A. and Egermann, H. and Gully, A. J. and Kearney, G. and Neale, C. and Rees-Jones, J. (2018) Exploring the potential of virtual reality technology to investigate the health and well being benefits of group singing. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 15 (1) pp. 1-22.
Dalmazzo, D. and Waddell, G. and Ramirez, R. (2021) Applying deep learning techniques to estimate patterns of musical gesture. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (575971). ISSN 1664-1078
Demos, A. P. and Lisboa, T. and Begosh, K. T. and Logan, T. and Chaffin, R. (2020) A longitudinal study of the development of expressive timing. Psychology of Music, 48 (1) pp. 50-66. ISSN 0305-7356 (print) 1741-3087 (online)
Demos, A. P. and Lisboa, T. and Chaffin, R. (2016) Flexibility of expressive timing in repeated musical performances. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (1490). ISSN 1664-1078
Devaney, K. (2022) Heads of composition perspectives on the role of composition teaching in UK music conservatoires composition department. Music Education Research, 24 (5) pp. 611-624. ISSN 1461-3808 (print) 1469-9893 (online)
Devaney, K. (2023) Investigating how composing teaching and assessment in English secondary school classrooms reinforce myths about composers and their creative practices. British Journal of Music Education, 40 (1) pp. 3-19. ISSN 0265-0517 (print) 1469-2104 (online)
Devaney, K. (2019) ‘Waiting for the wow factor’: perspectives on computer technology in classroom composing. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 12 (2) pp. 121-139. ISSN 1752-7066 (print) 1752-7074 (online)
Devaney, K. and Hughes, N. (2023) Bridging the gap: gender equality in music technology. Music Teacher, 102 (4) ISSN 0027-4461 (print) 2632-8658 (online)
Détári, A. (2023) Treating the musician rather than the symptom: the holistic tools employed by current practices to attend to the non-motor problems of musicians with task-specific focal dystonia. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 (1038775). ISSN 1664-1078
Détári, A. and Clark, T. and Egermann, H. (2022) Musician’s focal dystonia: a mere neurological disorder? The role of non-organic factors in the onset of musician’s focal dystonia: an exploratory Grounded Theory study. Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing pp. 1-15. ISSN 2515-981X
Détári, A. and Egermann, H. (2022) Musicians focal dystonia: the practitioner’s perspective on psychological, psychosocial, and behavioural risk factors and non-motor symptoms. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 37 (3) pp. 200-206. ISSN 0885-1158 (print) 1938-2766 (online)
Détári, A. and Egermann, H. (2022) Towards a holistic understanding of musician’s focal dystonia: educational factors and mistake rumination contribute to the risk of developing the disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 (882966). ISSN 1664-1078
Détári, A. and Egermann, H. and Bjerkeset, O. and Vaag, J. (2020) Psychosocial work environment among musicians and in the general workforce in Norway. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (1315). ISSN 1664-1078
Détári, A. and Nilssen, T. M. (2022) Exploring the impact of the somatic method ‘Timani’ on performance quality, performance-related pain and injury, and self-efficacy in music students in Norway: an intervention study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 (834012). ISSN 1664-1078
Elwick, A. and Burnard, P. and Huhtinen-Hildén, L. and Osgood, J. and Pitt, J. (2019) Young children’s experiences of music and soundings in museum spaces: lessons, trends and turns from the literature. Journal of Early Childhood Research ISSN 1476-718X (print) 1741-2927 (online)
Ennis, P. and Driver, D. (2019) Excitement and danger: pianist Danny Driver in conversation.
Estevao, C. and Bind, R. and Fancourt, D. and Sawyer, K. and Dazzan, P. and Sevdalis, N. and Woods, A. and Crane, N. and Rebecchini, L. and Hazelgrove, K. and Manoharan, M. and Burton, A. and Dye, H. and Osborn, T. and Davis, R. E. and Soukup, T. and Arias de la Torre, J. and Bakolis, I. and Healey, A. and Perkins, R. and Pariante, C. (2021) SHAPER-PND trial: clinical effectiveness protocol of a community singing intervention for postnatal depression. BMJ Open, 11 (e05213) ISSN 2044-6055
Fancourt, D. (2015) Birds, apes, and grandmothers: the personal side of music and health research [book review]. PsycCRITIQUES, 60 (18) ISSN 1554-0138 (online)
Fancourt, D. (2014) Book review: Raymond MacDonald, Gunter Kreutz & Laura Mitchell, Music, Health, and Wellbeing. Psychology of Music, 42 (2) pp. 299-303. ISSN 0305-7356 (print) 1741-3087 (online)
Fancourt, D. (2014) An introduction to the psychoneuroimmunology of music: history, future collaboration and a research agenda. Psychology of Music, 44 pp. 168-182. ISSN 0305-7356 (print) 1741-3087 (online)
Fancourt, D. and Aufegger, L. and Williamon, A. (2015) Low-stress and high-stress singing have contrasting effects on glucocorticoid response. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (1242). ISSN 1664-1078
Fancourt, D. and Burton, T. M. W. and Williamon, A. (2016) The razor's edge: Australian rock music impairs men's performance when pretending to be a surgeon. Medical Journal of Australia, 205 pp. 515-518. ISSN 1326-5377
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Wright, D. C. H. (2001) Altered states: review of 'Making music modern: New York in the 1920s' by Carol J. Oja; 'America's musical life: a history' by Richard Crawford. The Musical Times, 142 (1877) pp. 62-63. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1990) At the threshold of eternity: Robert Saxton on disc. The Musical Times, 131 (1769) pp. 363-364. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1990) Autonomy: review of 'Stravinsky: the music box and the nightingale' by Daniel Albright. The Musical Times, 131 (1773) p. 601. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1992) Book review: 'Charles Ives: my father's song' by Stuart Feder. The Musical Times, 133 (1798) p. 628. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Book review: 'Charles Seeger: a life in American music' by Ann M. Pescatello. The Musical Times, 134 (1803) p. 270. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2023) Book review: 'Child composers in the old conservatories: how orphans became elite musicians' by Robert O. Gjerdingen (OUP 2020). The Musical Times ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Book review: 'Creative sources for the music of Toru Takemitsu' by Noriko Ohtake. The Musical Times, 134 (1805) p. 399. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2023) Book review: 'Debating English Music in the Long Nineteenth Century' by John Ling (Boydell & Brewer, 2021). NABMSA Reviews, 10 (2) pp. 8-11. ISSN 2377-2573
Wright, D. C. H. (1994) Book review: 'Francis Poulenc' by Wilfrid Mellers. Tempo (189) pp. 33-35. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Book review: 'Harvard composers: Walter Piston and his students, from Elliott Carter to Frederic Rzewski' by Howard Pollack. The Musical Times, 134 (1804) p. 340. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2020) Book review: 'Mary Gladstone and the Victorian salon: music, literature, liberalism' by Phyllis Weliver. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 73 (2) pp. 420-425. ISSN 0003-0139 (print) 1547-3848 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1995) Book review: 'Max: the life and music of Peter Maxwell Davies' by Mike Seabrook. The Musical Times, 136 (1824) pp. 97-99. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2014) Book review: 'Music and performance culture in nineteenth-century Britain: essays in honour of Nicholas Temperley' by Bennett Zon; 'Music and theology in nineteenth-century Britain' by Martin V. Clarke. Victorian Studies, 57 (1) pp. 173-176. ISSN 0042-5222 (print) 1527-2052 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2010) Book review: 'Music and the making of middle-class culture: a comparative history of nineteenth-century Leipzig and Birmingham' by Antje Pieper; 'Thomas Tallis and his music in Victorian England' by Suzanne Cole. Victorian Studies, 52 (2) pp. 329-332. ISSN 0042-5222 (print) 1527-2052 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2024) Book review: 'Music in Twentieth-Century Oxford: New Directions' edited by Robin Darwall-Smith and Susan Wollenberg (Boydell Press, 2023). Music & Letters ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2020) Book review: 'Music in their time: the memoirs and letters of Dora and Hubert Foss' ed. Stephen Lloyd, Diana Sparkes, & Brian Sparkes. The Musical Times ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1990) Book review: 'New music 89' ed. Michael Finnissy and Roger Wright. The Musical Times, 131 (1789) p. 367. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Book review: 'Samuel Barber: the composer and his music' by Barbara B. Heyman. The Musical Times, 134 (1800) p. 91. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2021) Book review: 'Sir Henry Wood: champion of J. S. Bach' by Hannah French. Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute, 52 (1) pp. 104-109. ISSN 0005-3600 (print) 2767-4843 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Book review: 'Sorabji: a critical celebration' ed. Paul Rapoport. The Musical Times, 134 (1805) p. 397. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2003) Book review: 'The art of stealing time' by Louis Andriessen, ed. Mirjam Zegers, trans. Clare Yates, and 'The music of Louis Andriessen' ed. Maja Trochimczyk. Tempo, 57 (225) pp. 60-61. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1992) Book review: 'The correspondence of Roger Sessions' ed. Andrea Olmstead. The Musical Times, 133 (1798) p. 635. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Book reviews: 'New tonality' ed. Paul Moravec and 'What's the matter with today's experimental music? Organized sound too rarely heard' by Leigh Landy. Tempo (185) pp. 36-37. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2015) Business studies: review of 'Michael Costa: England's first conductor: the revolution in musical performance in England, 1830–1880' by John Goulden. The Musical Times, 156 (1932) pp. 107-109. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1995) CD reviews: music by Colin Matthews and John Lambert. The Musical Times, 136 (1833) p. 607. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2019) Canterbury males: review of ‘The Canterbury Catch Club 1826: music in the frame’ by Chris Price. The Musical Times, 160 (1948) pp. 117-120. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2009) Catalyst for change: review of 'The triumph of music: composers, musicians and their audiences, 1700 to the present' by Tim Blanning. The Musical Times, 150 (1909) pp. 103-107. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1994) Clicks, clocks & claques. The Musical Times, 135 (1817) pp. 426-431. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2008) Concerts for coteries, or music for all? Glock's Proms reconsidered. The Musical Times, 149 (1904) pp. 3-34. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1994) Coups de tête: review article. The Musical Times, 135 (1813) pp. 153-155. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2014) Covalent bond: review of 'Sir George Dyson: his life and music' by Paul Spicer. The Musical Times, 155 (1929) pp. 91-97. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1992) Critical challenge: review of 'Stocktakings from an apprenticeship' by Pierre Boulez, translated by Stephen Walsh. The Musical Times, 133 (1795) pp. 464-465. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1992) Cry of the earth. The Musical Times, 133 (1793) pp. 339-341. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2001) Dead and gone? Review of 'The music of John Ireland' by Fiona Richards. The Musical Times, 142 (1874) pp. 58-59. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2003) Death's bright angels: review article. The Musical Times, 144 (1882) pp. 44-47. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1992) Expanding covers. The Musical Times, 133 (1795) pp. 452-453. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Ferneyhough at fifty. The Musical Times, 134 (1801) pp. 125-128. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2002) Going for green: review of 'The English musical Renaissance 1840-1940: constructing a national music' by Merion Hughes and Robert Stradling. The Musical Times, 143 (1879) pp. 47-50. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2017) Hailing Hurlstone: review of ‘William Hurlstone: Croydon’s forgotten musical genius’ by Christopher Redwood. The Musical Times, 158 (1938) pp. 112-113. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2005) In memoriam: Susan Bradshaw. The Musical Times, 146 (1890) pp. 2-3. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
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Wright, D. C. H. (1992) Individually enterprising. The Musical Times, 133 (1790) pp. 162-165. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1990) John Woolrich: expanding continuities. The Musical Times, 131 (1772) pp. 540-541. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2005) The London Sinfonietta 1968–2004: a perspective. Twentieth-Century Music, 2 (1) pp. 109-136. ISSN 1478-5722 (print) 1478-5730 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Looking for Barbara Kolb. The Musical Times, 134 (1799) pp. 9-12. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Louis Andriessen: polity, time, speed, substance. Tempo (187) pp. 7-14. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
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Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Maxims past and present (music review). The Musical Times, 134 (1810) pp. 693-695. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2014) 'Middle-classing' the music profession in Victorian Britain. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 8 pp. 31-39. ISSN 0969-1642
Wright, D. C. H. (2013) Minding the gap: review of 'Music and Soviet power 1917–1932' by Marina Frolova-Walker, Jonathan Walker. The Musical Times, 154 (1923) pp. 119-120. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2003) Networking: review article. The Musical Times, 144 (1883) pp. 67-69. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
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Wright, D. C. H. (2013) Pay check: review of 'Elgar's earnings' by John Drysdale. The Musical Times, 154 (1925) pp. 91-99. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1990) Portraits (review article). The Musical Times, 131 (1771) pp. 485-486. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2006) Post factum: review of 'The collected letters of Peter Warlock (Philip Heseltine)' edited by Barry Smith. The Musical Times, 147 (1895) pp. 103-107. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1997) Praxis makes perfect: review of 'Analytical strategies and musical interpretation' ed. Craig Ayrey and Mark Everist. The Musical Times, 138 (1853) p. 35. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
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Wright, D. C. H. (2009) Reaping Tom: review of 'Thomas Beecham: an obsession with music' by John Lucas. The Musical Times, 150 (1907) pp. 119-120. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2019) Review article: Inventing how we sing it now: Oxbridge choirs and the ‘tradition’ of modern Cathedral music. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 13 ISSN 0969-1642
Wright, D. C. H. (2022) Review article: People power: 'The art of appreciation: music and middlebrow culture in modern Britain' by Kate Guthrie. The Musical Times, 163 (1960) pp. 87-102. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2018) Review of 'Players’ work time: a history of the British Musicians’ Union, 1893–2013' by John Williamson and Martin Cloonan. Popular Music, 37 (1) pp. 134-136. ISSN 0261-1430 (print) 1474-0095 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2001) Robert Saxton in the 1990s. Tempo (215) pp. 2-6. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1991) Russian spring. Tempo (177) pp. 45-46. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2008) Sacred and profane: review of 'Edmund Rubbra: symphonist' by Leo Black and 'The innumerable dance: the life and work of William Alwyn' by Adrian Wright. The Musical Times, 149 (1905) pp. 103-106. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2008) Situating Stainer: review of 'John Stainer: a life in music' by Jeremy Dibble. The Musical Times, 149 (1903) pp. 95-103. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2005) The South Kensington music schools and the development of the British conservatoire in the late nineteenth century. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 130 (2) pp. 236-282. ISSN 0269-0403 (print) 1471-6933 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2004) Take two: review of 'Performing music in the age of recording' by Robert Philip. The Musical Times, 145 (1889) pp. 98-100. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1992) Turgid encounters: review of 'American composers: dialogues on contemporary music' by Edward Strickland. The Musical Times, 133 (1795) p. 462. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1996) Unscrambling myths: review of 'Shostakovitch studies' ed. David Fanning. The Musical Times, 137 (1846) p. 29. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (2002) Uttered music: review of 'Britten's musical language' by Philip Rupprecht. The Musical Times, 143 (1880) pp. 66-67. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1990) Virgin music: review of 'New sounds: the Virgin guide to new music' by John Schaefer. The Musical Times, 131 (1772) pp. 547-548. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) Weir to now? The Musical Times, 134 (1806) pp. 432-437. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. (1993) A style too far? (Recording review). The Musical Times, 134 (1802) pp. 215-217. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Wright, D. C. H. and Ritterman, J. (1994) Degrees of choice. The Musical Times, 135 (1818) pp. 522-525. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
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