Items where Subject is "Music History"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (2308)
- Music History (668)
Adlington, R. (2001) Book review: Singing Archaeology: Philip Glass's 'Akhnaten' by J Richardson; Four Musical Minimalists: La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass by K Potter; Jonathan Harvey by A Whittall. Music & Letters, 82 (3) pp. 487-491. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Adlington, R. (2002) 'Good lodging': Harrison Birtwistle's reception of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In: King Arthur in Music. Arthurian Studies . Boydell & Brewer, Martlesham, pp. 127-143. ISBN 9780859917674 (hardback) 9781846150968 (e-book)
Adlington, R. (2019) Introduction: why ‘new music theatre’ now? In: New Music Theatre in Europe: Transformations between 1955-1975. Musical Cultures of the Twentieth Century . Routledge. ISBN 9781138323018 (hardback) 9780367730949 (paperback) 9780429451669 (e-book)
Adlington, R. (2004) Louis Andriessen: De Staat. Routledge. ISBN 9781138400566 (hardback) 9780754609254 (paperback) 9781351218863 (e-book)
Adlington, R. (2018) Modernism: the people’s music? In: The Routledge Research Companion to Modernism in Music. Routledge Music Companions . Routledge. ISBN 9781472470409 (hardback) 9780367733032 (paperback) 9781315613291 (e-book)
Adlington, R. (2023) Musical models of democracy. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780197658819 (hardback) 9780197658840 (online)
Adlington, R. (2018) Politics and the popular in British music theatre of the Vietnam era. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 143 (2) pp. 433-471. ISSN 0269-0403 (print), 1471-6933 (online)
Adlington, R. and Johnson, J. (2014) Editorial: twentieth-century music – ten years on. Twentieth-Century Music, 11 (1) pp. 3-5. ISSN 1478-5722 (print) 1478-5730 (online)
Barlow, H. and Herbert, T. (2021) Introduction: listeners in music history: studying the evidence. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 17 (3) pp. 343-357. ISSN 1479-4098 (print), 2044-8414 (online)
Barry, A. M. (2019) An opera singer’s Gothic fiction: the autobiographies of Sims Reeves. Journal of Musicological Research ISSN 0141-1896 (print) 1547-7304 (online)
Bohm-Duchen, M. and Meyn, N. (2020) RNCM Holocaust Memorial Lecture: belonging and not belonging. In: The Sir John Manduell Research Forum Series, 29 January 2020, Forman Lecture Theatre, Royal Northern College of Music. (Unpublished)
Bower, B. (2016) The Crystal Palace Saturday Concerts, 1865-1879: a case study of the nineteenth-century programme note. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Bower, B. and Meyn, N. and Curran, T. (2016) The Peter Gellhorn Edition: General Statement and 16 associated scores. RCM Editions, London.
Brooks, J. and Thormählen, W. (2021) Introduction: making music matter in historic houses. In: Sound Heritage: Making Music Matter in Historic Houses. Routledge Research in Music . Routledge. ISBN 9780367237165 (hardback) 9780429281327 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2016) Adieu m'amour: music from the time of Agincourt. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2018) Arpeggiando; Arpeggio; Birnbaum, Johann Abraham; Brunold, Paul; Chambonnières, Jacques Champion, Sieur de; Denis, Jean. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2011) The Barony Hall Organ and its wider context. The Organ, 90 (356) pp. 22-26. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2012) Book review: 'French organ music in the reign of Louis XIV' by David Ponsford. The Organ, 90 (359) pp. 55-56. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2009) Carlo Ignazio Monza: harpsichord music. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2018) Clavichord. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 136-138. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2010) Concealed within? Liturgical organ music in the Selosse manuscript. The Organ, 89 (353) pp. 15-20. ISSN 0030-4883 (print)
Charlston, T. (2018) Curating counterpoint: the lyrical imagination and the performance of Johann Jacob Froberger's legacy. [Video]
Charlston, T. (2019) David Evans 1936–2018: an appreciation. Harpsichord and Fortepiano, 23 (2) pp. 13-18.
Charlston, T. (2003) Early keyboard instruments: the Benton Fletcher collection at Fenton House. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2021) Edmund Hooper (c. 1553–1621): 5 Keyboard Pieces performed on clavichord, Flemish harpsichord and chamber organ by Terence Charlston with ‘Some notes on the clavichord and the virginalists’. [Website]
Charlston, T. (2018) Fingering (1) keyboard instruments. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 227-231. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2018) Frescobaldi, Girolamo Alessandro; Gasparini; Moscheles, Ignaz (Isaac); Neidhardt, Johann Georg; Suzuki, Masaaki. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2020) Froberger: complete Fantasias and Canzonas. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2018) Harpsichord. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 287-292. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2010) La chasse royale: keyboard manuscript of Antoine Selosse. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2003) Matthew Locke: complete keyboard works. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2015) Mersenne’s clavichord: music from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2012) 'Now swift, now hesitating': the stylus phantasticus and the art of fantasy. Musica Antiqua, 1 (2) pp. 30-35. ISSN 2049-1514
Charlston, T. (2019) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E major BWV 878/2. Part I. Clavichord International, 23 (2) pp. 39-48. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2020) Patterns of play: Orlando Gibbons, Simon Lohet, and J. S. Bach’s Fugue in E Major BWV 878/2. Part II. Clavichord International, 24 (1) pp. 7-14. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2020) Performing Bach's ‘Well-tempered Clavier’: structure, variation, motive and timbre. [Video]
Charlston, T. (2016) Playing from open score 1: Froberger’s Fantasia, FbWV 206. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (66) pp. 3-9. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2017) Playing from open score 2: Kerll’s Ricercata for a barrel organ. The British Clavichord Society Newsletter (67) pp. 3-8. ISSN 1359-5105 (print)
Charlston, T. (2018) Preluding. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 509-510. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2022) Re-editing the English virginalists: The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2020. 3 volumes. My Lady Nevells Booke, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Parthenia and Parthenia In-Violata, edited by Jon Baxendale and Francis Knights. Lyrebird Music, 2021. Journal of the Royal College of Organists ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2024) Review article: Anthology of Early Keyboard Methods: Revised, enlarged and translated by Barbara Sachs and Barry Ife. Peacock Press, 2023. Harpsichord & Fortepiano ISSN 0953-0797 (print) (In Press)
Charlston, T. (2016) Searching fantasy: Froberger’s fantasias and ricercars four centuries on. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 10 pp. 5-27. ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2018) Spinet. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 581-582. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2018) Temperament. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 603-605. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2018) Virginal. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 674-675. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2008) William Byrd: for my Ladye Nevell. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2020) A complete recording of the contents of Royal College of Music, London, Manuscript 2093 with additional keyboard pieces by Gerhard Diesineer and John Moss. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2013) A discourse of styles: contrasting gigue types in the A Minor Jig from the Purcell Partial Autograph, GB-Lbl, MS Mus. 1. In: Interpreting Historical Keyboard Music: Sources, Contexts and Performance. Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781409464266 (hardback) 9781138271944 (paperback) 9781315589596 (e-book)
Charlston, T. (2016) A four-stave transcription of Froberger’s Ricercar, FbWV 412: why play contrapuntal music from open score notation? Clavichord International, 20 (2) p. 57. ISSN 1387-0882
Charlston, T. (2014) The harmonious Thuringian: music from the early years of Bach and Handel. [Audio]
Charlston, T. (2009) An instrument in search of its repertoire? The Theewes claviorgan and its use in the performance of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century keyboard music. Journal of the Royal College of Organists, 3 pp. 24-41. ISSN 0969-1642
Charlston, T. (2006) An introduction to Restoration keyboard music I: Matthew Locke. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 10 (2) pp. 26-36. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. (2006) An introduction to Restoration keyboard music II: Bryne, Roberts and Moss. Harpsichord & Fortepiano, 11 (1) pp. 14-27. ISSN 0953-0797 (print)
Charlston, T. and Solomon, A. (2019) Bach: Cantatas 106 and 182, Amici Voices and Amici Baroque Players. [Audio]
Charlston, T. and Solomon, A. (2017) Handel: German Arias & Trio Sonatas. [Audio]
Charlston, T. and Solomon, A. (2019) Music for a king: chamber works from the court of Frederick the Great. [Audio]
Christensen, A. M. (2018) The solo for a violin: a new perspective on the Italian violinists in London in the eighteenth century. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Curran, T. and Meyn, N. (2017) Peter Gellhorn (1912-2004): Biography. RCM Editions, London.
Falconer, E. (2022) The case for Casella: towards new methods of understanding and interpreting the Italian Modernist pianist-composer. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Fenlon, I. and Wistreich, R. (2019) Introduction. In: The Cambridge History of Sixteenth-Century Music. The Cambridge History of Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-23. ISBN 9780511675874
Feshareki, S. (2019) A quest to find ‘real': September 2014 – February 2017. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Fuchs, S. (2018) Animating antiquity in the Vision animée. Cambridge Opera Journal, 30 (2-3) pp. 115-137. ISSN 0954-5867 (print) 1474-0621 (online)
Fuchs, S. (2015) Book review: 'Body Knowledge: Performance, Intermediality, and American Entertainment at the Turn of the Twentieth Century' by Mary Simonson, Oxford University Press. Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, 71 (3) pp. 522-525. ISSN 0027-4380 (print) 1534-150X (online)
Fuchs, S. (2017) Book review: 'Giacomo Puccini and His World' eds. Arman Schwartz and Emanuele Senici, Princeton University Press. Music & Letters, 98 (4) pp. 683-685. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Fuchs, S. (2023) Emma Calvé: a diva’s campagne de propagande. In: Creative Women of the “Lost Generation”: Women in the Arts in the Wake of the Great War. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9781032387352 (hardback) 9781003346517 (e-book)
Fuchs, S. (2019) The castrato as creator: Velluti’s voice in the London sheet-music market. In: London Voices 1820–1840: Vocal Performers, Practices, Histories. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 71-91. ISBN 9780226670188
Fuchs, S. and Lacombe, H. (2022) Le tournant technologique de l’écoute: 1870–1914. In: Histoire de l’Opéra Française: De la Belle Epoque au Monde Globalisé. Fayard, Paris, pp. 62-69. ISBN 9782213709918
Garnham, A. M. (2007) The BBC in possession, 1945-59. In: The Proms: A New History. Thames and Hudson, pp. 130-167. ISBN 9780500513521
Garnham, A. M. (1998) Book review: 'Hans Keller: Essays on Music' by C. Wintle. Music Analysis, 17 (1) pp. 79-91. ISSN 0262-5245 (print) 1468-2249 (online)
Garnham, A. M. (2013) Britten and Keller: letters and life. In: Britten: Essays, Letters and Opera Guides. Hans Keller Archive . Boydell & Brewer, Martlesham, pp. 224-316. ISBN 9780956600745 (hardback) 9780956600752 (paperback)
Garnham, A. M. (2022) Britten and the radio. In: Benjamin Britten in Context. Composers in Context . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 78-85.
Garnham, A. M. (2024) The Dartington Summer School of Music. Music, Migration and Mobility Online Resource: Émigré Musicians from Nazi Europe
Garnham, A. M. (2011) Hans Keller and internment: the development of an emigré musician 1938-48. Hans Keller Archive . Boydell & Brewer, Martlesham. ISBN 9780955608773 (hardback) 9780955608780 (paperback)
Garnham, A. M. (2003) Hans Keller and the BBC: the musical conscience of British broadcasting 1959-1979 [reissued 2017]. Routledge. ISBN 9781138721838 (hardback) 9781138721814 (paperback) 9781315194042 (e-book)
Garnham, A. M. (2017) The first international concert season of the European Broadcasting Union. The Musical Times, 158 (1940) pp. 7-17. ISSN 0027-4666 (print) 2397-5318 (online)
Garnham, A. M. and Woodhouse, S. (2019) Hans Keller 1919-1985: a musician in dialogue with his times. Routledge. ISBN 9780754608981 (hardback) 9781138391048 (paperback) 9781315586175 (e-book)
Gentili, B. (2019) The invention of the ‘modern’ voice: changing aesthetics of vocal registration in Italian opera singing 1870-1925. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Gibbs, F. J. (2018) The Royal Albert Hall: a case study of an evolving cultural venue. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Griffiths, R. and Herbert, T. and Rees, S. P. (2022) Instrumental traditions after 1650. In: A History of Welsh Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 144-170. ISBN 9781316511060 (hardback) 9781009036511 (e-book)
Guillaume-Castel, F. (2024) 'Noble throughout': the transformations of the pedal harp in Paris and London, between 1749 and 1811. Doctoral thesis, Royal College of Music.
Guillaumier, C. (2011) Ambiguous modernism: the early orchestral works of Sergei Prokofiev. Tempo, 65 (256) pp. 25-37. ISSN 0040-2982 (print) 1478-2286 (online)
Guillaumier, C. (2024) Chaliapine en Grande-Bretagne: contextes, nuances et perspectives. La Revue Russe, 62 ISSN 2496-7467
Guillaumier, C. (2020) Drama, theater, and gesture in the operas of Sergei Prokofiev. In: Rethinking Prokofiev. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780190670764 (hardback) 9780190670771 (paperback)
Guillaumier, C. (2010) The Giant and other creatures: Prokofiev's childhood compositions. Three Oranges Journal, 20 pp. 29-35. ISSN 1472-9946
Guillaumier, C. (2023) Le tsar en scène et hors scène. Avant Scène Opéra, 333
Guillaumier, C. (2020) Prokofiev operas (Music Matters, BBC Radio 3). [Broadcast]
Guillaumier, C. (2010) Prokofiev's The Gambler (Music Matters, BBC Radio 3). [Broadcast]
Guillaumier, C. (2010) Prokofiev, opera and theatre: a case study of The Gambler. Musicorum, 8 pp. 67-101.
Guillaumier, C. (2014) Review of 'Composing for the red screen: Prokofiev and Soviet film' by Kevin Bartig. Slavic and East European Journal, 58 (2) pp. 357-359. ISSN 0037-6752
Guillaumier, C. (2014) Review of 'Contemplating Shostakovich: life, music and film' edited by Alexander Ivashkin and Andrew Kirkman. Slavic and East European Journal, 58 (1) pp. 177-179. ISSN 0037-6752
Guillaumier, C. (2009) Review of 'Prokofiev's piano sonatas' by Boris Berman. Music & Letters, 90 (4) pp. 717-719. ISSN 0027-4224 (print) 1477-4631 (online)
Guillaumier, C. (2015) Review of ‘Multi-mediated Dostoevsky: transposing novels into opera, film, and drama' by Alexander Burry. Slavic and East European Journal, 59 (2) pp. 296-298. ISSN 0037-6752
Guillaumier, C. (2024) Sergei Prokofiev. Critical Lives . Reaktion Books, London. ISBN 9781789149517 (paperback) 9781789149890 (e-book)
Guillaumier, C. (2016) Stalin's music prize (Music Matters, BBC Radio 3). [Broadcast]
Guillaumier, C. (2011) War and Peace and Prokofiev's late operatic aesthetic. Three Oranges Journal, 21 pp. 20-25. ISSN 1472-9946
Guillaumier, C. (2020) A genealogy of Prokofiev’s musical gestures from the juvenilia to the later piano works. In: Rethinking Prokofiev. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780190670764 (hardback) 9780190670771 (paperback)
Guillaumier, C. (2020) The operas of Sergei Prokofiev. Boydell & Brewer, Martlesham, Suffolk. ISBN 9781783274482 (hardback) 9781787446236 (e-book)
Hamilton, K. and Loges, N. (2014) Brahms in the home: an introduction. In: Brahms in the Home and the Concert Hall: Between Private and Public Performance. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781107042704 (hardback) 9781108458085 (paperback) 9781316056585 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2016) Adolphe Sax, his saxhorns and their international influence. Revue Belge de Musicologie/Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap, 70 pp. 65-76. ISSN 0771-6788
Herbert, T. (2020) Bands as musical subcultures: cultures, practices, and influences. In: Practice in Context: Perspectives on Historically Informed Practices in Post-Classical Music. Oxford University Press, New York. (In Press)
Herbert, T. (2013) Brass and military bands in Britain - performance domains, the factors that construct them and their influence. In: Brass Bands of the World: Militarism, Colonial Legacies, and Local Music Making. SOAS Studies in Music Series . Ashgate, Farnham, UK. ISBN 9781409444220 (hardback) 9781138251212 (paperback) 9781315569895 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (1997) Brass bands and other vernacular brass traditions. In: The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments. Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 177-192. ISBN 9780521565226 (paperback) 9781139002035 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2016) Carl Florian Mandel and the production, consumption and status of "military" brass-wind instruments in the nineteenth century. In: Instrumental Odyssey: A Tribute to Herbert Heyde. Bucina: The Historic Brass Society Series (9). Pendragon Press, New York. ISBN 978-1-57647-252-1
Herbert, T. (2018) Cornett. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 151-152. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2018) Cornetti e tromboni in the high Renaissance and Baroque. Early Music, 46 (2) pp. 343-345. ISSN 0306-1078 (print) 1741-7260 (online)
Herbert, T. (2024) The Cyfarthfa Band in its period of grace. In: Cyfarthfa Castle 1825-2025: A People's History. Merthyr and District Historical Society, Merthyr Tydfil. (In Press)
Herbert, T. (1999) Farmer's contribution to the study of military music. In: Henry George Farmer: A Bibliography. Glasgow University Library Studies . Glasgow University Library, Glasgow. ISBN 978-0852616901
Herbert, T. (2000) God's perfect minstrels: the bands of the Salvation Army. In: The British Brass Band: A Musical and Social History. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198166986
Herbert, T. (1996) Late Victorian Welsh bands: taste, virtuosity and Cymmrodorion attitudes/Bandiau Cymreig y cyfnod Fictoraidd diweddar: Chwaeth, pencampwriaeth ac agweddau'r Cymmrodorion. Welsh Music History/Hanes cerddoriaeth Cymru, 1 pp. 92-113.
Herbert, T. (2018) Military music. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 409-411. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2023) Military musical instruments and the culture of perfection in the long nineteenth century. In: Shaping Sound and Society: The Cultural Study of Musical Instruments. Routledge Research in Music . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367417550 (hardback) 9780367816070 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2022) Music in Welsh history. In: A History of Welsh Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9781316511060 (hardback) 9781009036511 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2012) Music in words: a guide to researching and writing about music, 2nd edition. Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London. ISBN 9781848491007
Herbert, T. (2018) Musica Reservata. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 427. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
Herbert, T. (2000) Nineteenth-century bands: making a movement. In: The British Brass Band: A Musical and Social History. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198166986
Herbert, T. (2000) Popular nationalism: Griffith Rhys Jones ('Caradog') and the Welsh choral tradition. In: Music and British Culture, 1785-1914: Essays in Honor of Cyril Ehrlich. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 255-274. ISBN 9780198167303 (hardback)
Herbert, T. (2021) Public military music and the promotion of patriotism in the British provinces c.1780-c.1850. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 17 (3) pp. 427-444. ISSN 1479-4098 (print), 2044-8414 (online)
Herbert, T. (2001) Review of 'A biographical dictionary of English court musicians (1485–1714)' by Peter Holman, Fiona Kisby, Andrew Ashbee, and David Lasocki. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 14 p. 57. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (2011) Review of 'A history of the trombone' by David M. Guion. American Musical Instrument Society Newsletter, 40 (2) pp. 12-14. ISSN 0160-2365
Herbert, T. (2004) Review of 'Bands at the St. Louis World's Fair of 1904: information, photographs, and database' by Richard I. Schwartz and Iris J. Schwartz. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 17 p. 25. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (2005) Review of 'Berlioz's orchestration treatise: a translation and commentary' by Hugh MacDonald. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 18 p. 23. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'First philharmonic: a history of the Royal Philharmonic Society' by Cyril Erhlich. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 10 pp. 34-35. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1995) Review of 'French music for low brass: an annotated bibliography' by J. Mark Thompson and Jeffrey Jon Lemke. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 8 p. 86. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (2005) Review of 'Jazz in print (1856–1929): An anthology of selected early readings in jazz history' by Karl Koenig. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 18 p. 22. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (2003) Review of 'Military music & bandsmen of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, 1933–1945' by Brian Matthews. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 16 p. 23. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (2013) Review of 'Music and theology in nineteenth-century Britain' ed. Martin V. Clarke (Ashgate 2012). Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 10 (2) pp. 323-356. ISSN 1479-4098 (print), 2044-8414 (online)
Herbert, T. (1996) Review of 'Nicholas Lanier: Master of the King's Musick' by Michael I. Wilson. Historic Brass Society Journal, 8 p. 124. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (1988) Review of 'Popular music in England 1840–1914: a social history' by Dave Russell, Manchester University Press, 1987. Popular Music, 7 (1) pp. 114-115. ISSN 0261-1430 (print) 1474-0095 (online)
Herbert, T. (1995) Review of 'Records of English court music volume VII (1485-1558)' by Andrew Ashbee. The Galpin Society Journal, 48 pp. 220-221. ISSN 0072-0127
Herbert, T. (1993) Review of 'Records of English court music: volumes III, IV and V' by Andrew Ashbee. The Galpin Society Journal, 46 pp. 175-177. ISSN 0072-0127
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'Records of English court music: volumes VIII (1485-1714), and IX (index)' by Andrew Ashbee. The Galpin Society Journal, 50 p. 244. ISSN 0072-0127
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'Talks with bandsmen: a popular handbook for brass instrumentalists' by Algernon S. Rose with a new introduction by Arnold Myers. Historic Brass Society Journal, 9 pp. 199-201. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (1996) Review of 'Text and act: essays on music and performance' by Richard Taruskin. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 9 pp. 64-65. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1995) Review of 'The Bassanos: Venetian musicians and instrument makers in England, 1531–1665' by David Lasocki and Roger Prior. Historic Brass Society Journal, 7 pp. 207-209. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (2002) Review of 'The cheque books of the Chapel Royal' transcribed and edited by Andrew Ashbee and John Harley. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 15 pp. 32-33. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1999) Review of 'The civic muse: music and musicians in Siena during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance' by Frank A. D'Accone. Historic Brass Society Journal, 11 pp. 195-196. ISSN 1045-4616 (print) 1943-5215 (online)
Herbert, T. (2000) Review of 'The early horn: a practical guide' by John Humphries. Consort: The Journal of The Dolmetsch Foundation, 56 pp. 70-71. ISSN 0268-9111 (print)
Herbert, T. (2003) Review of 'The musical society community bands of Valencia, Spain: A global study of their administration, instrumentation, repertoire, and performance activities' by Richard Scott Cohen. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 16 pp. 23-24. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (1997) Review of 'The wind ensemble and its repertoire: essays on the fortieth anniversary of the Eastman Wind Ensemble' edited by Frank J. Cipolla and Donald Hunsberger. Historic Brass Society Newsletter, 10 pp. 35-36. ISSN 1045-4594
Herbert, T. (2008) Reviews of 'Sigmund Romberg' by William A. Everett and 'Jerome Kern' by Stephen Banfield. Studies in Musical Theatre, 2 (3) pp. 295-297. ISSN 1750-3159 (print) 1750-3167 (online)
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Wright, D. C. H. (2012) Music and musical performance: histories in disjunction? In: The Cambridge History of Musical Performance. The Cambridge History of Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 169-206. ISBN 9780521896115 (hardback) 9781316183229 (e-book)
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Wright, D. C. H. (2018) Royal Academy of Music (London). In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 554-555. ISBN 9781107108080 (hardback) 9781107518476 (paperback) 9781108698573 (e-book)
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Wright, D. C. H. (2019) The Royal College of Music and its contexts: an artistic and social history. Music since 1900 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107163386 (hardback) 9781316730294 (e-book)
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